Information on the processing of your personal data

You are participating in a study on Beauty and Inequality “Beauty and Bodywork in Brussels”. You are asked to participate because we deem you a key player in the world of beauty and bodywork. For this, we will collect personal data relating to you. These data will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of Belgium and the European Union. In this document, we explain our research and what we will do with the data. We also explain what you can do if you have further questions, or don’t want us to use the data after all.

The research project

This study is part of a larger research project called BINQ concerning the role of beauty in social inequalities in five global cities: Accra, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Hongkong and Tehran. More specifically, we want to know more about how beauty relates to inequalities in big cities.

The project you are participating in focuses on Brussels and beautifying bodywork. In this research, we aim to understand how beauty and beautifying bodywork (e.g., fitness, cosmetic surgery) shape (dis-)advantages in Brussels specifically or Belgium more broadly. We examine this by studying how important beauty and bodywork are within your job and how your ideas on beauty are communicated to other people.

Your participation in this part of the project is expected to last for the durance of the observation time as agreed upon. You will not be financially rewarded for your participation but we think it’s essential to hear from people like you to help answer our research questions. In the end, our research can provide valuable insights into your field of work and the role of beauty in today’s urban inequalities, which will benefit society. More information about the project can be found on

Use of your personal data

During this observation/(Qsorts-)interview, we will collect personal data, such as (visible) gender, profession and age. We will also collect some data defined as “special category data”, notably your ethnic background, religious beliefs and your sexual orientation.

We will only collect and use information that we need for the purposes of this study. The collected data may possibly be re-used in future studies about beauty and appearance.

When we publish information about this research, we will make sure you can never be identified. When we process your data, we will remove all information that that might identify you, such as your name or your business or employer, or your contact data. This information will be separated from the other data in the study and replaced by a unique code. In this way, your data can no longer be easily linked to the information you give us.

Only the researcher can link the data to you. However, this will only happen in exceptional cases, for example if you wish to exercise your right to access, rectify or erase your data.

The data will be processed on the legal basis of public interest. This means that the research will lead to advances in knowledge and generate insights that (directly or indirectly) benefit society.

Your data will be stored by the researchers for 10 years after the end of the study at a secure storage location at KU Leuven. After this period, your personal data will be permanently deleted if they are no longer needed for the purposes of the research.

Your rights

You always have the right to request more information about the use of your data. In addition, you may exercise the right of access, the right to rectification and the right to erasure of your data insofar as these rights do not render the purposes of the research impossible or seriously impede it.

If you wish to exercise one of these rights, please contact the researchers using the contact details at the bottom of this information sheet.

Within the framework of this research, we may collaborate with other researchers at other European universities. The research data will therefore possibly be shared with researchers at these institutions. However, only the pseudonymized data will be shared with them. Thus, they will not be able to link the data to specific individuals.

Contact details

All data will be stored and controlled by KU Leuven in Leuven, Belgium. Only the researcher involved, Sanne Pieters, will have access to your personal data. If you have any questions about this study, including the processing of your personal data, please feel free to contact us.

Contact details:

Sanne Pieters
+32 16 37 27 82
CESO, KU Leuven

You can also contact the principal researcher on the project:

Professor Giselinde Kuipers

For any further questions and concerns regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact Toon Boon, KU Leuven’s data protection officer for research ( Please specify the study concerned by mentioning the title as well as the names of the researchers involved.

If, after contacting the data protection officer, you would still like to lodge a complaint about the use of your personal data, you can contact the Belgian Data Protection Authority

If, following your participation in this project, you want to seek support or talk to someone, you can always contact Centrum Algemeen Welzijnswerk ( or Télé-Accueil ( For more information on how to find support in Brussels, please see this link with information provided by the Brussels-Capital Region.